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Getting certified the 'AAA way'

The ‘AAA way’ really is your easiest route to certification. It’s a simple three-step process which is designed to find out where your gaps to certification are, give you the tools to fill these gaps, then give you your chosen certificate or certificates in as quick and easy a way as possible.

Step 1. System Review

The requirements of whichever standard or standards you’re after will be varied and some things you may already have in place, whereas others may need to be developed. Our thorough Stage 1 report will review where the gaps are and give you detailed pointers regarding what needs to be addressed.

This report will be your roadmap to ISO certification which, at the same time, will highlight areas where your business will really benefit from additional tweaks or controls. Our aim is to really add value to this part of the process and not just make it about a ‘checklist of compliance’.

Step 2. System Implementation

Our online management systems are easy to operate but at the same time add tremendous value to your operations. Our systems are deliberately designed using Dropbox and Microsoft Office functionality to make them accessible and familiar to most users.

We give you full support in this phase, whether it’s through using our comprehensive guides or our quick-reply email support available anytime 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday. Or we can refer you to an associate consultant who can work with you directly.

Step 3. Your Certification

We will audit your business against your chosen ISO standard(s) and, as long as you’ve implemented everything we’ve outlined in the previous Steps, then you will be issued with your certification.

Because our management systems are laid out in a commonsense and intuitive way, as long as you keep following the processes you should have no problems maintaining your certification. For the next two years we will undertake an annual Surveillance Audit - just like an MoT on your management system and company operations - then on the third year we will undertake a Recertification Audit. This is a full audit of your company which once again goes through all of the requirements of the standard or standards. Then the following year we go back to Surveillance Audits and the cycle starts again.

AAA currently provides three separate certification cycles. You can choose from:
12-month certification cycle with no obligation to renew on expiry. Subject to an annual cost review.

3-year certification cycle, consisting of certification audit and two surveillance audits. Fixed for 3 years.

5-year certification cycle, consisting of certification audit and four surveillance audits. Fixed for 5 years.

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